Shop Tekversify® Privacy Statement

April 15, 2023

For all of our clients, this privacy policy (the “Policy”) is in effect. (“We” or “Shop Tekversify”). The manner in which Shop Tekversify gathers, distributes, utilizes, and protects consumer personal data (hence, “Personal Information”). This Policy applies to any personal information we may collect. This applies to all websites where we post this Policy, including our Shop Tekversify retail locations, Shop, and any other websites (collectively, the “Site”).

Data That We Collect

When you visit our site, we can automatically gather certain data.  This data enables us to enhance our website and your user experience.

Automatically Anonymous Data

We automatically gather data about the computer or other device you use to access our site. Your computer’s operating system, the software you use to access and search the internet, the service you use to go online, and the internet address assigned to your computer all fall under this category. This data enables us to improve the compatibility of our website with your systems. We also keep track of information about how you use our website, including when and how long you spend there. We might also be aware of the websites you visited prior to and after our site. This kind of information collection is normal practice for online retailers. Your computer or other device automatically transmits information to us that is referred to as anonymous information. If we do share this information with third parties, it cannot be used to identify any specific user and won’t be used to get in touch with you.


Our website makes use of “cookie” technology, like many others. A “cookie” is a brief piece of data. On your hard drive, our website might save cookies. Cookies allow us to track your visits to our site. Additionally, cookies enable us to “remember” details about you. We might make an effort to remember things like your log-in credentials and the items you choose. These cookies might be linked to personal data. We do this to make your shopping experience better. Faster checkout may result from it. We can also personalize your buying experience thanks to it. You can configure your browser to not accept cookies, but this may prevent you from using all of the features on our website.

The user data gathered at this site may be shared anonymously between our business and our trusted third parties. For the purpose of online behavioral advertising, we might utilize such data to link to and create anonymous cookies that contain demographic or intent-based data. These cookies do not include any personally identifiable data.

In-Chip Tags

Pixel tags are used on our website and in emails. Pixel tags are tiny digital images. We utilise pixel tags to distribute cookies, track visits, analyse how our site is used, and assess the effectiveness of our marketing. Additionally, pixel tags can inform us if an email has been opened and used.

Independent Analysis

We might also work with businesses like Google Analytics to assist us in gathering data about our website. These businesses might use their own web beacons and cookies on our website.

Third-Party Evaluations

We may also work with businesses like TurnTo or SMG to assist us in gathering data about our offerings or in-store experiences. These businesses might use their own web beacons and cookies on our website.

Individual Details

You may provide us with “Personal Information” that identifies you and provides us with additional details about you. Your name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, and Preferred Pet Club account number are some of the kinds of personal information that we might gather. Additionally, we might gather your password and user name.

We might gather demographic information from polls or outside sources. We can better understand our clients with the help of demographics. Demographic information, for instance, can reveal things like your age, gender, and the kind of pets you keep.

When you purchase or utilize our goods and services (which include but are not limited to grooming, nail cutting, and pet washing), set up or modify your Shop Tekversify accounts, or get in touch with us, we may compile the information you provide to us. We may also get information from you if you participate in our surveys, contests or sweepstakes, communicate with us on social networking platforms, or subscribe to our newsletters or other communications.

Children’s Privacy Online

The target audience for our website is broad. Children under the age of 13 are not subject to any intentional solicitation or collection of personal data as that term is used under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). Please get in touch with us if, as a parent or legal guardian, you believe that we have obtained such personal information in a manner not authorized by COPPA.


You acknowledge that by providing us with personal information, you authorize us to use it for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to:

run and enhance our website, company, and services. A client database and other business records may be kept by us for reasonable amounts of time.

Give you client service.

inform you of contests, promotions, incentives, events, and special offers for goods and services from Shop Tekversify and our carefully chosen partners (collectively, “Shop Tekversify Marketing Communications”) via postal mail, email, phone, and other means.

Identify goods and services based on your prior purchases and activities that you would enjoy.

Send you business correspondence, such as bills, notices, updates, alerts about new products, and administrative information.

Find, stop, and enforce dishonest, harmful, or illegal activity.

Run programs, contests, sweepstakes, and surveys.

Transfer personal data to outside consultants, contractors, and other service providers (collectively, “Vendors”). Your information will be used by our vendors so they can work for us. The processing of your Personal Information by Shop Tekversify and our Vendors takes place in the United States. Your personal information is subject to laws in the United States in addition to those in your country of residence. We may be required by these laws to provide Personal Information to the US government and other governmental entities.

If permitted by law, we may combine the Personal Information we obtain from you with data from other parties. This could be done in order to update your personal information so that Shop Tekversify Marketing Communications can be sent to the appropriate address. We might also carry out this action to enhance and personalize your experience.

satisfy all applicable statutory, regulatory, insurance, security, and processing requirements.

With your permission or as allowed or required by law, for other purposes.


Your personal information is not rented or sold to any outside parties by us. If it’s not stated in this policy or with your express permission, we won’t divulge your personal information to third parties for their own marketing needs. We may provide third parties with your personal information:

Whenever you give us permission to share your data with third parties for their own marketing initiatives in accordance with those parties’ own privacy policies, for instance.

In order to satisfy any necessary insurance, audit, legal, or regulatory requirements.

If we really believe that access to, use of, preservation of, or disclosure of the information is required by law and:

fulfill any enforceable governmental request as well as any applicable law, rule, or legal process.

enforce the relevant Terms of Service, which includes looking into possible infractions.

Fraud, security, or technical issues should be identified, avoided, or otherwise addressed.

As needed or permitted by law, we will defend Shop Tekversify’s rights, property, or safety as well as the safety of our users and the general public.

As permitted or required by law, including in an emergency to safeguard the personal safety of Shop Tekversify, its clients, or anyone else, to enforce our agreements, policies, and terms of use, to defend the rights and property of Shop Tekversify, our agents, customers, members, and others.

To examine and/or carry out any planned or actual merger, sale of company assets, financing, or purchase of all or a portion of our business by another company.

We might also disseminate data that does not specifically identify you. This data may exist in anonymous or aggregated form.


Shop Tekversify Marketing Communications are “opt-out” able. You may also opt out of our sharing your personal information with third-party marketers if you previously agreed to do so. Additionally, you have the option to ask to view or modify your personal data. Additionally, you have the option to request a change in how we utilize your personal information. To ask for these things:

In the promotional emails we send you, follow the instructions on how to opt-out.

Contact information is provided below under Questions or Concerns. Your full name, address, phone number, and email address should be provided. Additionally, let us know what data you want to access, modify, or add to our “opt-out” list. This will assist us in handling your request.

You might still receive business messages even if you “opt-out” of our Shop Tekversify marketing communications. Order confirmations, information on product recalls, and other administrative details are all examples of business communications.


Shop Tekversify makes commercially reasonable efforts to safeguard the Personal Information under our possession or control from loss, theft, and unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification.  However, we cannot promise that unauthorized, unintentional publication will never happen.


Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries or worries regarding how we handle your personal information.


We shall use commercially reasonable efforts to notify you if our plans to use or disclose Personal Information differ materially from those described in this Policy. The effective date of this Privacy Policy will be noted at the top of this page if we make any changes to it.

Privacy Notice for Residents of California

This Privacy Notice for California Residents (“Consumers” or “you”) is a supplement to our Privacy Policy and only applies to visitors, users, and other individuals residing in the State of California. Any terminology defined in the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) have the same meaning when used in this notice, which we have adopted to comply with it.


Our website gathers data known as “personal information” that can be used to identify, contact, describe, refer to, or is otherwise potentially connected, directly or indirectly, to a specific user or device. In particular, throughout the past 12 months, our website has gathered the following types of personal data from its users:

Identifiers are in Category A.

Examples include a genuine name, an IP address, an email address, or other distinctive identifiers.

Gathered: YES

The kinds of personal information described in California’s Customer Records legislation (Cal. Civ. Code 1798.80(e)) fall under category B.

Examples include a person’s name, signature, Social Security number, physical features or description, address, phone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, and employment history, as well as any other financial details, such as a bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or information pertaining to health or insurance. This category of personal data contains certain items that may also be found in other categories.

Gathered: YES

Category C: Characteristics of a classification that are protected by federal or California law.

Age (40 or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, and gender expression), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, and genetic information (including familial genetic information), are a few examples.


Category D: Information that is commercial

Examples include records of personal property, goods or services acquired, considered, or purchased, as well as other buying or consuming patterns or histories.

Gathered: YES

Biometric information is in category E.

Examples include fingerprints, faceprints, voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke patterns, gait patterns, or other physical patterns, as well as sleep, health, or exercise data. Other examples include genetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information.


Internet or other similar network activities falls under category F.

Examples include browsing and search history as well as data on how a user interacted with a website, app, or advertisement.

Gathered: YES

Geolocation data fall under category G.

Examples include positions or motions in the body.

Gathered: YES

Sensory data are in category H.

Examples include information that is audible, electronic, optical, thermal, olfactory, or similar.


Information pertaining to a career or employment falls under category I.

Examples include past or present employment histories or performance reviews.


According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99), Category J includes non-public education data.

Examples include grades, transcripts, class lists, student timetables, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records that are directly related to a student and are kept by an educational institution or entity working on its behalf.


Inferences made based on other personal information fall under category K.

Examples include a person’s profile that reflects their preferences, traits, psychological fads, predispositions, actions, attitudes, IQ, skills, and aptitudes.


Personal information excludes the following:

public knowledge gleaned from official documents.

aggregated or de-identified customer data.

Information not covered under the CCPA, such as:

clinical trial data, health or medical information covered by the California Confidentiality of Medical Information Act (CMIA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA);

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) or California Financial Information Protection Act (FIPA), and the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994 all cover the protection of personal information in their respective fields.

The sources from which we get the various types of personal data indicated above are as follows:

straight from you. For instance, information is gathered automatically about website usage or via forms you fill out on our website.

from you inadvertently. Taking into account what you did on our website, for instance.

Utilization of personal data

For one or more of the following business needs, we might utilize or divulge the personal data we collect:

to satisfy or accomplish the purpose for which you supplied the information. We will use your name and contact information, for instance, if you give it to us when you ask a question about one of our goods or services. We will use the personal information you give us to process your payment if you supply it in order to buy a good or service. Your information might also be saved so that future product orders are easier.

To assist you, to react to your questions, to look into and resolve any issues you may have, to keep an eye on how we’re doing, and to generally support you.

in accordance with any applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations, and to answer to inquiries from law authorities.

as explained to you at the time we collected your personal information or in any other manner specified under the CCPA.

Without giving you advance warning, we will not gather additional categories of personal data or utilise the data we have already acquired for significantly different, unconnected, or incompatible purposes.


We might give your personal data to a third party for commercial purposes.  When we give out personal information for business purposes, we enter into a contract with the receiver that specifies the purpose and obligates them to keep the information private and to use it only to carry out their obligations under the contract.

The following categories of personal data were provided by us for commercial purposes throughout the course of the previous twelve (12) months:

Identifiers are in Category A.

The kinds of personal information described in California’s Customer Records legislation (Cal. Civ. Code 1798.80(e)) fall under category B.

Category D: Information that is commercial

Internet or other similar network activities falls under category F.

We give the following categories of third parties access to your personal data for business purposes:

our partners.

service companies.

Third parties that you or your representatives have given us permission to share with in connection with the goods or services we offer you.

We have not sold any personal information in the last 12 months.


Consumers (Californians) have special rights regarding their personal information under the CCPA. This section outlines your CCPA rights and provides instructions on how to use them.

You have the right to ask us to provide you with specific information about how we have collected and used your personal data over the last 12 months. We will inform you of the following once we have received and verified your verifiable consumer request:

the many types of personal data we have about you.

categories of the sources from which we obtained the personal data we have on you.

We gather or sell personal information for business or commercial purposes.

the kind of outside parties we disclose that personal information with.

the particular pieces of personal data we have on you (also known as a request for data portability).

Two distinct lists reveal:

sales data showing the categories of personal information that each recipient category purchased; and

disclosures made for commercial purposes that list the categories of personal data that each type of receiver received


Subject to certain limitations, you have the right to request that we remove any of your personal information that we have obtained from you and kept. Unless an exception applies, we will remove (and instruct our service providers to erase) your personal information from our records once we receive and validate your genuine consumer request.

If maintaining the information is necessary for us or one or more of our service providers to:

Complete the transaction for which the personal information was gathered, give you the product or service you requested, take measures that were logically expected given the circumstances of our ongoing commercial connection with you, or otherwise carry out our obligations under our contract with you.

Identify security incidents, prevent harmful, dishonest, fraudulent, or illegal behavior, or bring legal action against individuals involved.

Debug products to find and fix issues that prevent them from functioning as intended.

Exercise your right to free expression, protect another consumer’s right to free speech, or utilize another legal right.

Observe California’s Electronic Communications Privacy Act (California Penal Code 1546 et seq.).

When conducting public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research that complies with all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, and if you previously gave informed consent, when deleting information may likely make the research impossible or seriously impair its success.

Allow only internal usage substantially consistent with what customers would expect given your relationship with us.

fulfill a legal need.

Use the information in other internal and authorised ways that are consistent with the context in which you gave it.


Please send us a verified consumer request if you want to exercise your rights to access, data portability, and deletion as outlined above. You could

Please contact us at (855) 306-4893 or

Use our website to reach out to us.

Only you or someone you have authorized to act on your behalf and who is registered with the California Secretary of State may submit a verifiable consumer request relating to your personal information. A valid consumer request may also be made on behalf of your underage child.

A genuine consumer request for access or data portability may only be made twice in a calendar year. The verified customer request has to:

Give us enough details so we may reasonably confirm you are the person whose personal information we gathered or their authorized representative.

Give us enough information about your request so that we can fully comprehend, consider, and address it.

If we are unable to validate your identity, confirm you have the right to make the request and confirm the personal information is about you, we will not be able to reply to your request or supply you with personal information.  You don’t need to register with us in order to submit a genuine consumer request.  We will only utilize the personal data supplied in a valid consumer request to confirm the identity or legitimacy of the requestor.

Within 45 days of receiving a valid consumer request, we try to react to it. If we need a longer time (up to 90 days), we will write to let you know why and for how long. Depending on your preference, we will send you our written response via mail or email. Any disclosures we make will only be for the twelve months prior to the consumer’s verifiable request being received. If appropriate, we will additionally explain in our response why we are unable to fulfill a request. For requests for data portability, we shall choose a format to deliver your personal data that is simple to use and should enable hassle-free transmission of the data from one institution to another, particularly via email.

Unless your request is excessive, repeated, or obviously baseless, we won’t charge you a price to process it or respond to it. Before executing your request, we will let you know why we think the request is justified in charging a fee and provide you with an estimate of the cost.


We won’t treat you differently if you exercise any of your CCPA rights. We won’t: Unless expressly approved by the CCPA

you withhold goods or services.

charge you a different price or rate for the same goods or services, whether by offering discounts or other perks or by enforcing penalties.

offer you products or services of a higher standard.

A different level or price for the goods or services you obtain, as well as a different level or quality of those goods or services, are suggested.

However, we might provide you with some financial incentives that are allowed by the CCPA and may lead to various pricing, rates, or levels of quality. Any monetary incentive that we provide that is CCPA-acceptable shall be properly related to the value of your personal information and shall be subject to written terms that set forth the material terms of the program. Your previous opt-in consent, which you can withdraw at any time, is required in order to participate in a financial incentive program.

Users of our website who reside in California may request specific information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes under California’s “Shine the Light” law (Civil Code Section 1798.83). Please use our website’s Contact Us page to submit such a request.


We retain the right to change this privacy statement whenever we see fit. The effective date of any modifications to this privacy notice will be noted at the top of this page’s Privacy Policy.


Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which we gather and use your information as described above and in the Privacy Policy, your choices and rights regarding such use, or if you want to exercise your legal rights under California law:

To contact us, dial +1 (855) 306-4893 or visit our website.

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